Influencer Database & Discovery

Find the Perfect Fitting Influencers

Think of it as a vast influencer library, navigable through intuitive filters. It saves you time and ensures you find influencers who will deliver the best results for your campaign.

Influencer discovery

Influencer Database & Discovery

Easily narrow down your options and find the perfect influencers for collaborations. Companion will meet your precise criteria!

Influencer search across major platforms

Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

Influencer search across major platforms Gradient blur

130M Influencers in the Database

Search creators globally without any limits.

130 M Influencers in the Database

Lookalike Influencers

Point out your ideal influencer, and Companion will list those with a similar audience.

Lookalike Influencer search

Advanced Filters

Fine-tune your criteria for both influencers and their audiences.

Advanced influencer search filters

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